Oct 1, 2010

"Life on the farm is kinda laid back..."

Isn't that what John Denver sang in his song "Country Boy"?

Sounds good, but I am still looking for the laid-back part...

Up, chores done, review written for TOS, went and brought home 2 round bales of hay for the horses, pasteurizer pump broke with 23 gallons of milk in the vat ready to be bottled, cat had her kittens on Grace's bed, bottled said milk thanks to a loaner pump from the neighbors, took kids to Washington-On-The-Brazos, home to milk again and pack for market--oh and apparently Timothy decided that even little sisters need their scalp split by sticks once in a while and so Liberty got bopped on the head just as the oven burst into flames while pizza was baking.

I just love laid-back and relaxing days.

1 comment:

April E. said...

I hope this week gets more relaxing for you. Yikes!

I know you likely don't have time for this, but I tagged you in a fun meme. Feel free to participate, or not. :)


April E.